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Wildeboer Dellelce Offers Job To Con Artist?

I didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry when I read about the results of an investigation by the Toronto Star.  The investigation uncovered a fraudulent degree operation run by Peng Sun whereby he produced hundreds of fake York University and University of Toronto degrees for paying clients who used them to land jobs or admission into other programs.

Among the cheats identified by the investigation is Quami Frederick, a 28-year-old immigrant from Grenada.  Frederick got into Osgoode Hall Law School with a fake degree she had purchased from a diploma mill on the internet.  Frederick’s name was on a list of bogus degree buyers compiled by U.S. Homeland Security and Service agents. According to the Toronto Star, Frederick’s bachelor of science in business administration from St. George’s University in Grenada as a fake.

Here’s the truly amazing part of all this – according to the investigation a Bay Street labour law firm called ‘Wildeboer Dellelce LLP’ actually offered her a position.  That’s right, a LAW FIRM that advises corporations on labour law, which I imagine includes things like conducting due diligence, policies, procedures, etc. has offered a job to a Con Artist.  How ironic is that?

Wildeboer Dellelce has some damage control to do.  They can always say that ‘we offered the job pending due diligence’.  Yes, that’s it…they offered her the job based on what she said but had to investigate her claims before the offer was binding.

Regardless, let this be a lesson for everyone.

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